55 research outputs found

    A family study of endophenotypes for psychosis within an early intervention programme in Hong Kong: Rationale and preliminary findings

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    The study of endophenotypes may be a viable strategy to tackle the genetic complexity and phenotypic heterogeneity of psychosis, but this research direction is relatively under-developed in China as compared to Western countries. We have recently initiated one of the first family studies of endophenotypes for psychosis in China. Patients entering an established early psychosis intervention service are recruited into this research project for phenotyping, endophenotyping and genotyping. At the endophenotypic level, four domains (neurological soft signs, neurocognition of prospective memory, social cognition of facial emotion recognition, and affective cognition of anticipatory and consummatory pleasure) are studied in the sample of patients with psychosis and their unaffected siblings. This article illustrates the benefit of a research-oriented clinical programme and its findings based on the data collected as of early 2011. © 2011 Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Eco-driving technology for sustainable road transport: A review

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Road transport consumes significant quantities of fossil fuel and accounts for a significant proportion of CO2 and pollutant emissions worldwide. The driver is a major and often overlooked factor that determines vehicle performance. Eco-driving is a relatively low-cost and immediate measure to reduce fuel consumption and emissions significantly. This paper reviews the major factors, research methods and implementation of eco-driving technology. The major factors of eco-driving are acceleration/deceleration, driving speed, route choice and idling. Eco-driving training programs and in-vehicle feedback devices are commonly used to implement eco-driving skills. After training or using in-vehicle devices, immediate and significant reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions have been observed with slightly increased travel time. However, the impacts of both methods attenuate over time due to the ingrained driving habits developed over the years. These findings imply the necessity of developing quantitative eco-driving patterns that could be integrated into vehicle hardware so as to generate more constant and uniform improvements, as well as developing more effective and lasting training programs and in-vehicle devices. Current eco-driving studies mainly focus on the fuel savings and CO2 reduction of individual vehicles, but ignore the pollutant emissions and the impacts at network levels. Finally, the challenges and future research directions of eco-driving technology are elaborated

    Fuel consumption and emissions performance under real driving: Comparison between hybrid and conventional vehicles

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are perceived to be more energy efficient and less polluting than conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. However, increasing evidence has shown that real-driving emissions (RDE) could be much higher than laboratory type approval limits and the advantages of HEVs over their conventional ICE counterparts under real-driving conditions have not been studied extensively. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the real-driving fuel consumption and pollutant emissions performance of HEVs against their conventional ICE counterparts. Two pairs of hybrid and conventional gasoline vehicles of the same model were tested simultaneously in a novel convoy mode using two portable emission measurement systems (PEMSs), thus eliminating the effect of vehicle configurations, driving behaviour, road conditions and ambient environment on the performance comparison. The results showed that although real-driving fuel consumption for both hybrid and conventional vehicles were 44%–100% and 30%–82% higher than their laboratory results respectively, HEVs saved 23%–49% fuel relative to their conventional ICE counterparts. Pollutant emissions of all the tested vehicles were lower than the regulation limits. However, HEVs showed no reduction in HC emissions and consistently higher CO emissions compared to the conventional ICE vehicles. This could be caused by the frequent stops and restarts of the HEV engines, as well as the lowered exhaust gas temperature and reduced effectiveness of the oxidation catalyst. The findings therefore show that while achieving the fuel reduction target, hybridisation did not bring the expected benefits to urban air quality

    Characterisation of diesel vehicle emissions and determination of remote sensing cutpoints for diesel high-emitters

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Diesel vehicles are a major source of air pollutants in cities and have caused significant health risks to the public globally. This study used both on-road remote sensing and transient chassis dynamometer to characterise emissions of diesel light goods vehicles. A large sample size of 183 diesel vans were tested on a transient chassis dynamometer to evaluate the emission levels of in-service diesel vehicles and to determine a set of remote sensing cutpoints for diesel high-emitters. The results showed that 79% and 19% of the Euro 4 and Euro 5 diesel vehicles failed the transient cycle test, respectively. Most of the high-emitters failed the NO limits, while no vehicle failed the HC limits and only a few vehicles failed the CO limits. Vehicles that failed NO limits occurred in both old and new vehicles. NO/CO2 ratios of 57.30 and 22.85 ppm/% were chosen as the remote sensing cutpoints for Euro 4 and Euro 5 high-emitters, respectively. The cutpoints could capture a Euro 4 and Euro 5 high-emitter at a probability of 27% and 57% with one snapshot remote sensing measurement, while only producing 1% of false high-emitter detections. The probability of high-emitting events was generally evenly distributed over the test cycle, indicating that no particular driving condition produced a higher probability of high-emitting events. Analysis on the effect of cutpoints on real-driving diesel fleet was carried out using a three-year remote sensing program. Results showed that 36% of Euro 4 and 47% of Euro 5 remote sensing measurements would be detected as high-emitting using the proposed cutpoints. In-service diesel vehicles emit low CO and HC but high NO

    Pathway of psychiatric care in Hong Kong

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    Tackling nitric oxide emissions from dominant diesel vehicle models using on-road remote sensing technology

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Remote sensing provides a rapid detection of vehicle emissions under real driving condition. Remote sensing studies showed that diesel nitrogen oxides emissions changed little or were even increasing in recent years despite the tightened emission standards. To more accurately and fairly evaluate the emission trends, it is hypothesized that analysis should be detailed for individual vehicle models as each model adopted different emissions control technologies and retrofitted the engine/vehicle at different time. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the recent nitric oxide (NO) emission trends of the dominant diesel vehicle models using a large remote sensing dataset collected in Hong Kong. The results showed that the diesel vehicle fleet was dominated by only seven models, accounting for 78% of the total remote sensing records. Although each model had different emission levels and trends, generally all the dominant models showed a steady decrease or stable level in the fuel based NO emission factors (g/kg fuel) over the period studied except for BaM1 and BdM2. A significant increase was observed for the BaM1 2.49 L and early 2.98 L models during 2005–2011, which we attribute to the change in the diesel fuel injection technology. However, the overall mean NO emission factor of all the vehicles was stable during 1991–2006 and then decreased steadily during 2006–2016, in which the emission trends of individual models were averaged out and thus masked. Nevertheless, the latest small, medium and heavy diesel vehicles achieved similar NO emission factors due to the converging of operation windows of the engine and emission control devices. The findings suggested that the increasingly stringent European emission standards were not very effective in reducing the NO emissions of some diesel vehicle models in the real world. The European emission regulations were not very effective in reducing the NO emissions from some diesel vehicle models in the real world

    Impact of potential engine malfunctions on fuel consumption and gaseous emissions of a Euro VI diesel truck

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Although new vehicles are designed to comply with specific emission regulations, their in-service performance would not necessarily achieve them due to wear-and-tear and improper maintenance, as well as tampering or failure of engine control and exhaust after-treatment systems. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge on how significantly these potential malfunctions affect vehicle performance. This study was therefore conducted to simulate the effect of various engine malfunctions on the fuel consumption and gaseous emissions of a 16-tonne Euro VI diesel truck using transient chassis dynamometer testing. The simulated malfunctions included those that would commonly occur in the intake, fuel injection, exhaust after-treatment and other systems. The results showed that all malfunctions increased fuel consumption except for the malfunction of EGR fully closed which reduced fuel consumption by 31%. The biggest increases in fuel consumption were caused by malfunctions in the intake system (16%–43%), followed by the exhaust after-treatment (6%–30%), fuel injection (4%–24%) and other systems (6%–11%). Regarding pollutant emissions, the effect of engine malfunctions on HC and CO emissions was insignificant, which remained unchanged or even reduced for most cases. An exception was EGR fully open which increased HC and CO emissions by 343% and 1124%, respectively. Contrary to HC and CO emissions, NO emissions were significantly increased by malfunctions. The largest increases in NO emissions were caused by malfunctions in the after-treatment system, ranging from 38% (SCR) to 1606% (DPF pressure sensor). Malfunctions in the fuel injection system (24%–1259%) and intercooler (438%–604%) could also increase NO emissions markedly. This study demonstrated clearly the importance of having properly functioning engine control and exhaust after-treatment systems to achieve the required performance of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions

    Rapid detection of high-emitting vehicles by on-road remote sensing technology improves urban air quality.

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    Vehicle emissions are the most important source of air pollution in the urban environment worldwide, and their detection and control are critical for protecting public health. Here, we report the use of on-road remote sensing (RS) technology for fast, accurate, and cost-effective identification of high-emitting vehicles as an enforcement program for improving urban air quality. Using large emission datasets from chassis dynamometer testing, RS, and air quality monitoring, we found that significant percentages of in-use petrol and LPG vehicles failed the emission standards, particularly the high-mileage fleets. The RS enforcement program greatly cleaned these fleets, in terms of high-emitter percentages, fleet average emissions, roadside and ambient pollutant concentrations, and emission inventory. The challenges of the current enforcement program are conservative setting of cut points, single-lane measurement sites, and lack of application experience in diesel vehicles. Developing more accurate and vertical RS systems will improve and extend their applications

    Statistical evaluation of on-road vehicle emissions measurement using a dual remote sensing technique.

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    On-road remote sensing (RS) is a rapid, non-intrusive and economical tool to monitor and control the emissions of in-use vehicles, and currently is gaining popularity globally. However, a majority of studies used a single RS technique, which may bias the measurements since RS only captures a snapshot of vehicle emissions. This study aimed to use a unique dual RS technique to assess the characteristics of on-road vehicle emissions. The results show that instantaneous vehicle emissions are highly dynamic under real-world driving conditions. The two emission factors measured by the dual RS technique show little correlation, even under the same driving condition. This indicates that using the single RS technique may be insufficient to accurately represent the emission level of a vehicle based on one measurement. To increase the accuracy of identifying high-emitting vehicles, using the dual RS technique is essential. Despite little correlation, the dual RS technique measures the same average emission factors as the single RS technique does when a large number of measurements are available. Statistical analysis shows that both RS systems demonstrate the same Gamma distribution with ≥200 measurements, leading to converged mean emission factors for a given vehicle group. These findings point to the need for a minimum sample size of 200 RS measurements in order to generate reliable emission factors for on-road vehicles. In summary, this study suggests that using the single or dual RS technique will depend on the purpose of applications. Both techniques have the same accuracy in calculating average emission factors when sufficient measurements are available, while the dual RS technique is more accurate in identifying high-emitters based on one measurement only

    The Hong Kong mental morbidity survey: background and study design

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    Mental disorders are highly prevalent conditions with immense disease burden. To inform health and social services policy formulation, local psychiatric epidemiological data are required. The Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey is a 3-year population-based study in which 5700 community-dwelling Chinese adults aged between 16 and 75 years were interviewed with the aim of evaluating the prevalence, co-morbidity, functional impairment, physical morbidity, and social determinants of significant mental disorders in the population. This paper describes the background and design of the survey, and is the first territory-wide psychiatric epidemiological study in Hong Kong. 精神障礙非常普遍,且對社會造成巨大的疾病負擔。收集本地精神病流行病學資料,對計劃相關的衛生及社會服務政策至為重要。香港精神健康調查是一個為期3年,以人口為基礎的大型研究,透過對5700名介乎16歲至75歲之華裔市民進行精神健康評估,檢視重要的精神障礙的現患率、共病、功能障礙、身體疾病以及社會決定因素。本文闡述這項首個全港大型精神病流行病研究的背景和設計。published_or_final_versio